App, Atlas, And Dashboard Tutorials
Informed Atlas Wearables users on YouTube with 11 how-to videos. Created UX and UI for the videos, aware of the Atlas user needs. Atlas Wristband makes it easier than ever to get and stay in shape. Use it in the gym and follow your workouts turn-by-turn on your wrist, or load up Freestyle exercises and do them anywhere. Atlas will automatically track your reps, heart rate, calories burned, and advanced metrics like your form score and velocity. Get stronger, faster, with Atlas. Every Rep Counts.
#ThisIsHowIWorkout #SundayFunday #TheMoreYouKnow #BodyWeightTraining #EveryRepCounts #AtlasWearables #AtlasWristband
Track your workout. Train your body.
• Art Direction, Design, & Production
• Voice Over
• Published On YouTube